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Dec-25-2024 12:01

Hi everyone! game randomly popped in my head a couple days ago and i thought of coming back for a few weeks maybe and have some fun, in fact ive always occasionally came back to the game here and there
I do have something to really talk about here though, and idk if devs or the people that made this game still pop in here or check these forms, but with how fast things have become and how pretty fast cases go by, I do think its a relevant consideration to make daily case limit more than 12? idk 16-20 maybe or so? i dont think that would harm the game in any way since theres really not much going on in this game anymore in terms of playerbase.
Also another thing is maybe make travelling between cities not so expensive in terms of turns/cases (seeing as how 12 cases go by in a matter of say 30minutes? 45 minutes?)
Id love to hear from any devs if theyre still around, or just some veteran detectives and players would love to chime in about the game overall.


Felix Fances
Felix Fances

Jan-9-2025 21:13

I'll PM you.

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