John Earl Doe
Jan-1-2025 04:46
Hello everyone,
I could use some advice on my next skill purchase. Here's a bit about me:
- Archetype: Tough and Smart
- Current Skills:
1. Footprint Analysis
2. Hypnotism
3. Stress Detection
4. Sweet Talking
5. Interrogation
6. Intimidation
7. Rule Bending
8. Advanced Thread Analysis
9. Advanced Hair Analysis
I've saved up 10 skill points and these are my options right now:
1. Advanced Rule Bending (10 skill points) - Charm
2. Judge of Character (10 skill points) - Charm
3. Lock Picking (10 skill points) - Toughness
4. Intermediate Interrogation (9 skill points) - Toughness
5. Flirting (7 skill points) - Charm
Given my archetype and current skills, what would you recommend as the best next skill I should purchase?? I'm especially curious about skills that complement my detective style and provide the most utility (I'm currently considering buying the Judge of Character because it is annoying whether I should pick Interrogation or Sweet Talking).
Also, if you have thoughts on what skill I should purchase after that, I'd love to hear them!
Thanks in advance for your insights, I really do appreciate the help!
Big Winner
Jan-2-2025 05:06
Hi there,
in my opinion, given your archetype, you should first work on your tough interrogation skills (intermediate and advanced interrogation, advanced intimidation), and then the handwriting which you still don't have. Also, research is a very useful skill and I would take it as soon as possible. After that, probably lockpicking.
And another piece of advice you haven't asked for :) : you should get rid of your charming gear and get some tough clothes.