Lady Emerald Devon
Jul-14-2007 04:43
There are a lot of really good posts out there. Some have even become people's favourite.
I think it would be nice if people would post the title of 2 or 3 of their favourite posts here, a link to them and more importantly a little bit about the post and why they like it :)
It would be a shame if this went all spammy and people just posted 100 links to the posts they wrote!
So keep it friendly, keep it spammy free as we might need all that spam for the next World War (I hear spam keeps forever), and try to keep it to your 2 or 3 favourite posts. Ok, 4 or 5 favourite posts even! Although, if in a week you see a new great post and think it deserves the honours of being here, feel free to post again :D