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Old Shoe

Sep-9-2013 23:45

I was sure that it was impossible to get a false accusation and now i supply clear evidence that the game make mistakes (unfortunately huge mistakes)

The Unique Case of the Ancient Room

Victim: Landry Belle, age 27
Difficulty: Incredibly hard
Favor For: Priest
Politics: La Cosa Nostra (Positive)
Order of Socrates (Negative)

Physical Evidence
1. Footprint from a slim person
2. Thread from female's clothes (Ruth Belle)
3. Handwriting from someone who is right handed
4. Hair from someone with curly hair

5. Ruth Belle
I needed to keep moving forward with my investigation, so I figured it was as good a time as any to pay a visit to the victim's Sister, Ruth Belle. She extended her left hand to greet me and we exchanged pleasantries. She was a slim, rather arrogant woman; even the way she brushed a curly hair off her shoulder rubbed me the wrong way.

Motive: Victim Forgot Birthday
Alibi: Banker (fake)

The Unique Case of the Ancient Room
Nope. That's wrong. The real killer was Nora Abbott.

You falsely accused an innocent woman. There was no physical or witness evidence to indicate that Ruth was the murderer. The Priest, Manfred Gesling is very disappointed that you weren't able to solve the mystery. If you falsely accuse three people, your detective's license will be taken, and you'll be out of a job.


Dr Snow
Dr Snow

Jul-14-2024 07:38

I think there must be an actual glitch in the AVHs, leading to false accusations.

I had 2 clues in Delhi:

- is a WOMAN
- is WEST of the Bank

This means that the only possible culprit must be the Fortune Teller.

However, when I accused the FT, I was informed that this was wrong and the actual co-conspirator was the Waiter.

Definitely something wrong. Will report as glitch

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