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Secret Plans
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miss snopes
miss snopes

Oct-23-2022 20:41

Does anyone happen to know if you can hold more than one set of secret plans at a time?


Big Winner

Oct-25-2022 00:49

If you have a map for the secret plans, you need to find the plans in the Cairo catacombs, and your nemesis task will be completed. If you already hold the secret plans, you need to deliver them to any of the factions to be able to play anotther favour for a contact in Cairo, get another set of plans and finish your nemmy task. You can't deliver them to a townie.

miss snopes
miss snopes

Oct-31-2022 08:54

Out of pure curiosity, is there any other thing to be done with secret plans other than deliver to a faction?


Oct-31-2022 14:24

Not that I'm aware of.

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