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Furore broken?
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-30-2020 12:30

The 12:15 furore didn't work for me. The waiting room was completely black except for the time clock and the Leave option. Every ride I tried froze up so I couldn't get any clues, and then all of a sudden I was kicked out of the furore. So very disappointing. :-(


Solve A Lot2
Solve A Lot2
Assistant Postman

Jan-8-2021 14:44

@Shelby, each bar has a section were you can enter Sleuth chat.

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Jan-8-2021 15:11

oh gotcha, thanks!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Jan-8-2021 18:32

Nothing in Sleuth Noir ran off of Flash, did it?

Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

Jan-14-2021 23:46

Question: what if for your next nemesis clue you have to sabotage the helter skelter or so. Is you nemesis hunt put on hold then?

Big Winner

Jan-15-2021 02:55

Unfortunately, yes. This is my situation right now. The last time it happened, two of my detectives had to wait for two years to finish their hunts. I hope the history won't repeat itself this time.

Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

Jan-15-2021 06:53

Oh dear lord ...

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Jan-15-2021 14:37

holy crap, lol. im in the same boat. i can't wait two years!

Kell Dewclaw
Kell Dewclaw
Trusted Informer

Jan-26-2021 09:31

We’re gonna need a bigger boat.

I’m waiting on a Helter Skelter nemy clue too.

Shelby Slaughter
Shelby Slaughter
Pinball Wizard

Jan-26-2021 14:46

i do wish we would get some communication about what's going on. the response rate for me so far on any issue since i've come back to the game is at zero. i know we're a small group now, but we're still here, subscribing and waiting with no info... =(

Hans Landa
Hans Landa
Assistant Librarian

Jan-26-2021 15:45

Perhaps Ben will respond if I post the lyrics of the song named after him and performed by Michael Jackson ...

Ben, the two of us need look no more
We both found what we were looking for
With a friend to call my own
I'll never be alone
And you my friend will see
You've got a friend in me
(You've got a friend in me)
Ben, you're always running here and there
(Here and there)
You feel you're not wanted anywhere
If you ever look behind
And don't like what you find
There's something you should know
You've got a place to go
(You've got a place to go)
I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"
I used to say "I" and "me"
Now it's "us", now it's "we"

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