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The Resistance: Lurker Edition
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The Announcer
The Announcer

Jul-1-2017 09:19

Hello everyone. I’ll be hosting another game of Resistance, and I encourage all lurkers from the previous game(s) to come out and play! We’ll keep it simple with just gameplay and no story this time. And if you’ve never played before, feel free to jump right in, because we all need more imaginary problems to worry about. :)

The game takes place over a series of 5 "missions." The Resistance is trying to complete 3 missions successfully, while the spies are attempting to sabotage 3 missions. First one to 3 wins.

I will serve as game master. Once we get enough people to play (5-10 total), I will PM everyone their allegiance (either "Resistance" or "Spy"). If you are a "Spy," I will also PM you the names of your co-conspirators.

A "leader" will be chosen at random for the first mission. The leader has 2 important functions:
1) The leader will assign various "role" abilities to players. These are one-shot special powers a player can use to learn more information about someone.
2) The leader will assign players to the "team" for that mission.

Missions will have a varying number of players who are selected; the leader picks a team, then every player will vote on whether or not they approve the team by PMing me. Once all the votes are cast, I will post the voting results. If a majority approves the team, the mission starts. If not, the mission does not start, and the next player in line becomes the new "leader" for that round. This continues until either a mission is approved, or 5 consecutive mission teams are rejected (in which case the spies win automatically.)

Once a mission team is approved, those players will PM me their choice of action during that mission. Resistance players will ALWAYS choose to have the mission succeed by sending "Success," while spies have a choice: they can either elect to have the mission succeed (to throw off suspicion), or they can "Sabotage" the mission.



Aug-11-2017 09:46

What can I say if you are sure in your mind that I am a spy? Just let the mission go and we will see :D

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-11-2017 10:09

I was surprised too Zara. That's part of the reason I waited so long last night to propose the team. I kept waiting to see if any of them were going to plead their case but Sal's is golfing today, Aspen hasn't logged on since day before yesterday and Ty was really busy in the first part of the week so that might still be the case.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-11-2017 16:55

Hi everyone just got back and I will try and get caught up tomorrow morning

The Announcer
The Announcer

Aug-11-2017 20:46

The results of the vote on Missy's MISSION 5 TEAM 2 Proposal are in.

Missy proposed a team of
-miss snopes

The mission proposal has been APPROVED by a vote of 4-2. The votes are as follows.

Sal Iva *
Tyranomaster3 NO
Sleuth Sindy YES
AspenK NO
Bela Talbot III YES
shell marple *
Zara Bande YES
miss snopes YES

*Deadline missed. Vote not counted.

The mission is now ready to proceed. In the interest of saving time, I'll just go ahead and announce the result now.

Mission 5 was a FAILURE.

Just kidding (don't kill me)! Mission 5 was a SUCCESS. Resistance wins 3-2! Congratulations! The spies this game were Sal, Ty, and Aspen.

All Resistance members will receive [10] GPP and all Spies will receive [5] GPP. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Signups for a new game called Rabbit Doubt will go up soon, so stay tuned! :)


Aug-11-2017 20:51

Good game everybody. Thank you all of you for a very interesting game :D

Thanks, Sindy, for your generosity.

And the last but not the least, thank you, Mr. Announcer :D

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-11-2017 23:17

Oh my gosh!!! That was not nice Mr. Announcer. :D

I can't believe we managed to pull this off. Great job everyone! I enjoyed playing with each of you.

Thank you Mr. Announcer for once again hosting a wonderful game!

miss snopes
miss snopes

Aug-11-2017 23:23

Keeping an eye out for Rabbit Doubt.

Zara Bande
Zara Bande
Bounty Hunter

Aug-12-2017 00:02

Well done Resistance and … a round of applause to the spies. You did well to keep us guessing and confused for so long!

Mr Announcer, you made my heart stop for a few seconds - seeing that word FAILURE as I scrolled down the page. Naughty, naughty : ) Many thanks for hosting the game.

Thank you to Sindy for her gift of $50K - that was a very sweet gesture : ) One one person actually took up my wager though. I’ll call him ‘mystery man’ since he placed his bet by PM.

Well played everyone. Looking forward to the next game : )

Sleuth Sindy
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard

Aug-12-2017 00:33

Very funny Mr. Announcer. I almost had a seizure. :p

Congratulations Resistance!

A well-played game by the spies - it could have gone either way. Great deductive work by my fellow Resistance members. I hope to play Resistance with you all again.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Aug-12-2017 05:20

Oh my goodness, I wake up and read

Mission 5 was a FAILURE.

Not funny !!
Great job Resistance, I wish I could have been around to play the last Mission. I definitely will be playing again. Kudos to the spies, especially Ty. I had a difficult time believing you were a spy, it wasn't until you asked me to tell you what to do that I firmly believe you to be a spy.

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