The last person to post wins
Demon of the Due Date
Mar-15-2009 14:00
The object of this game is to be the last person to post in this thread! So right now I am the winner and the rest of you are losers! :-P
Replies |
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-15-2016 12:55
I'll just take that, nothing weird about it.
Apr-15-2016 13:17
That's even weirder. Back to normalcy.
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-15-2016 18:48
the condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected.
Yep, that about sums it up. ; )
Kent Brooks
Apr-15-2016 19:53
While you are talking about normalcy and weirdness, i picked up the trophy. Hope you don't care.
Apr-18-2016 16:11
Yes I do care.
Sultry De Mon
Con Artist
Apr-18-2016 18:51
Not enough. I care more! ; p
*dances around sticking out tongue at you*
Neener neener, its mine : D
Kent Brooks
Apr-19-2016 19:38
And the trophy goes to... Kent Brooks!
Kent Brooks
Apr-19-2016 19:38
And the trophy goes to... Kent Brooks!
Apr-20-2016 04:07
Well, I'll take that again - ta very much :)
M. Lacrimosa
Apr-20-2016 13:58
The long awaited Marc has returned. And I am winning