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New Agency: The Blue Tattoo
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Assistant Postman

Apr-2-2015 13:39

I have opened a new Agency in London. It is called the Blue Tattoo. And I've also changed my mind about rent, yet again. Bear with me, I've been gone for 5 years.

Agents: $500/week
Officers: $1000/week
Directors: Any amount your willing to give over $1500/week

I'm looking for anyone that is looking for an active agency. I do plan to participate in Treasure Hunts on occasion.

I'll try to check in once a day to check for Lab or Case help. I ask that you try to check in at least once a week to pay rent and check out the Cases and Crime Lab.

If you're interested, you can post here or PM me.

Mama Terra


Manunugbag Ice
Manunugbag Ice

May-25-2015 23:05

Try to send a PM to MamaTerra, Shikato :)
This post is almost 2 months old.

Assistant Postman

May-26-2015 18:41

We still have open spaces. If anyone is interested, PM me. I forget to check this to often. :)


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