No contacts in Shanghai *wail*
Shannon Greenfield
Jan-6-2010 01:14
Shanghai seems to not like me at all!!! Haven't got a single contact in Shanghai by solving many favors. Shanghai doesn't like me!!!
Replies |
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer
Jan-7-2010 23:24
I have (hehehe) discused with a couple of townies here and they will see you much much much more positively in the near future
Shannon Greenfield
Jan-11-2010 23:44
Oh, well, I'll keep trying. Thanks, everyone.
Err... I'm a bit confused about your message, Vampiric Smile... what do you exactly mean???
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper
Jan-12-2010 08:37
Shannon, Mr. Smile is the Director of a rather famous agency based in Shanghai.
Ordinarily I'd say that his position gives him absolutely no influence over the non-player characters in the game, but given their success rate in the treasure hunts, I do wonder sometimes.
I recommend taking his comment as an in-character way of saying "Good Luck"
Jan-12-2010 10:44
I'm sure Mr. Smile has made "discussions" about you, Shannon. Mr. Smile has a good running agency of his own and has his "methods" to negotiate... Sometimes, I wonder how he gets those TH's done... It's almost.... devilish xD. But Vampiric just wants you to don't give up and try, try, try... One day, they'll coorperate with you Shannon. I'm sure of that (waves fist at Sleuthania)
DAMN THREE WEEKS!!! (not to mention the money.... -.-)
Shannon Greenfield
Jan-13-2010 01:26
Yeah, thanks again!
Sure, I'll try!!!
Shannon Greenfield
Jan-13-2010 04:05
Thanks, everybody, Vampiric Smile, espicially!!!
Shannon Greenfield
Jan-13-2010 04:06
I meant, "especially".
Dahlia Greenfield
Jan-23-2010 07:58
Hey, just got my 2nd contact in Shanghai. Want to stay there now!!!
Dahlia Greenfield
Jan-23-2010 07:59
Hey, sorry, I posted from my other detective lol.