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Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

May-10-2008 10:57

It is a problem that administration hasn't thought something about the use of the skill points we have beyond a certain level.
I have all that skill points can be used for! I have all shoes etc that i may need (even more than I need!) and I have skill points for nothing!
I remember Roanie pointing this problem and i am sure that players with more xp points than me face it and suffer!
Something has to be done!


Lucky Stiff

May-10-2008 20:46

Sure is!

I was thinking there could be 2 factions, Officers and Deckhands. If you side with the Officers you can get posh poncy equipment. If you side with the hired help you can get improvised street-style equipment.

Then skills... hmmm... like I said, swimming? But I don't know how that might benefit you. How about radio interception - you could hear who the police do/don't suspect in your case. And I wonder if it will be like in Shangri-La - completely cut off from the outside world. In that case a cat-burglary skill would come in useful so you could break into the radio room at night and send messages to/from your agency. Oh yeah the trips are 3 days each, maybe with swimming you could jump off a day early and swim to shore after 2 days?!

And what about individual Treasure Hunts? "{insert posh old biddy's name here} has had her pricless diamond necklace stolen, reward offered etc etc..."

And lastly - more secrets - yay! Maybe a secret clue to secret #2 ?!

Have I thought about this too much?

Brady Quinn
Brady Quinn

May-10-2008 21:13

Hes you have tk, we already know all about secret #2, it's secret#1 that we're after! :-P

Lucky Stiff

May-10-2008 21:22

Ooops! Ok then ;)

Old Shoe

May-10-2008 22:02

Top kebab I think your last two ideas are very good: the treasure hunt and a clue.
The other ideas though I'm not very sure about. :)

Lucky Stiff

May-11-2008 22:21

Haha I'm sure Ben's ideas will be much better than mine!

*Can't wait to go sailing*

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