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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.



Dec-20-2007 17:47

You find the completely perfect uncorruptable wish, but then someone comes up with a completely perfect corruption.

I wish it were March.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Dec-21-2007 21:25

It's March, you're Caesar.

I wish it was two weeks ago so I had more time to get everything done.

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Dec-21-2007 23:56


That cracked me up about as much as Crunchpatty does!


That cracked me up about as much as Crunchpatty does!


That cracked me up about as much as Crunchpatty does!

Just remember that the country is spelled "Ulaan Baatar. :-)

Yes I'm just showing off. :-) :-) :-)

NOW, for the corruption!

*Oh, spirits, oh spirits, I say hello!*
*For Jesse, please make it two weeks ago!*

You have two more weeks, and they fly by, and so do you, getting everything done. Unfourtunatley, you get caaght in a time warp! So, every two weeks, at this time, it resets, and you never reach Christmas. :-(

I wish that everything goes well at my first day at hospital volunteering.

(Wish me luck! :-) )

*Dr. Lynn*
*Dr. Lynn*

Dec-22-2007 14:54

(What is it with you and the spirits?)

Everything goes well with your first day at the hospital but you bring home a terrible that kills off your family, friends, pets etc.

I wish that I'll get a Nancy Drew PC game for christmas. (Perfect condition and brand new ect.)

Oh I do hope that your first day of volunteering goes well!:)

Kevin Greene
Kevin Greene
Old Shoe

Dec-22-2007 21:16

(I just make up silly little poems about the wishes! :-) )

Who exactly is "etc."? LOL

You get a brand new, in perfect condition, Nancy Drew PC game for Christmas. Unfortunatly, it was really a message for spies, but accidently got stuffed in a box. You watch a really interesting mission brief from the CIA, but then the message self-destructs in your computer, destroying everything and then lighting fire to your office.

I wish that we get a new house that is in perfect condition and nothing can go wrong inside the structure of the house, and no living thing will come in the house to corrupt the wish.

Back to making it hard! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

Lucky Stiff

Dec-23-2007 06:40

You get a brand new house that is in perfect condition , but no living thing can get inside the house so you can't live in it. Since you spent all your money on it you are forced to live in the alley behind the chinese takeaway instead.


I wish i could play sleuth all day long without anyone at work noticing so I can still keep my job. And my fingers won't fall off. And my computer won't crash or self destruct. And pigeons won't think i'm a statue and poop on me.


Dec-25-2007 00:45

You can still keep your job alright, playing Sleuth on the mint ocndition computer, and poop free environment to boot!

...but unfortunatly, you chose to stay at work all day now, never leaving as your homelife is "teh suxxor" now. Your home is now a home for sick and stray cats who are diseased with the "etc." Kevin Green is plagued with. Really, actually, you can't do anything else... so once your 12 cases each day are up, you are sitting here, on this site at work-left to vendingmachine foods and stale coffee at the office. Awwww!

I wish I could figure out this puzzle I'm working online!!! ARGGGGH!

Lucky Stiff

Dec-25-2007 19:49

You finally figure out the puzzle, 10 minutes after the deadline paases.

I wish i get the present i REAlly want this year.


Dec-31-2007 07:12

That's what you said last year and you gave it away to Goodwill. You found out a few months later, someone bought it and found out it was worth millions and sold it to the Smithsonian Institute.

I wish I had a maid.


Dec-31-2007 10:57

You get a maid, but she turns out to be an assassin.

I wish I controlled the world.

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