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changes in the game?
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Nov-12-2004 15:37

from the day i started till now (and thats pretty long) i had always the same amount of fakes and real alibis in each level. in redicilous it was 6 fakes but 1 was explained by research. so it came down to 5 always 5 always!!! till today...
sudenly had 6 fakes after the research how can it be? should i stop counting on counting?
did anyone else noticed this?



Nov-13-2004 00:48

reda, a while back someone posted a list of how many suspects in each level and how many fakes/no alibis.

The first person to post did say six coming down to five, but then someone else posted saying it had been changed to seven, coming down to six with research.

And I have always found that to be true when I have counted, since then.

So I think it still works but the number has changed on that level.


Nov-13-2004 06:44

Yes Bella Luna updated us all :)

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