How Many Clicks Does it Take . . .
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Aug-31-2007 23:31
. . . to get to the bottom of a mystery?
When the server is running VERY slowly, as it seems to have been doing latey, every click is costly timewise. Because of this, I think it would be nice if, when you clicked on a Townie location with more than one option as to who you want to talk to, you first went to the Townie and then could choose another option from that screen if you need to rather than having to click twice every time you need to question that Townie.
It would also be EXTREMELY nice to have a short-cut link to the Equipment Locker (for those in an agency) and Research in City Hall.
Replies |
Sep-1-2007 20:25
I also think it should not ask to confirm if you have the required evidence,
pe + na, or we + na, or 2 we. Every time accuse someone I am terrified I am making a mistake, especially in foriegn countries where the names are difficalt for me to read and sometimes distinguish between.
also you should not be able to accuse someone with a real alibi. Why would anybody want to do that.
Only confirm if you are guessing or using higher level induction
Steve Long
Sep-1-2007 20:32
That sounds a bit like an enhanced and somewhat changed version of Pigeon's Automated Sleuth Helper. Or maybe I'm just not reading your comment correctly.
Sep-2-2007 00:46
I don't know about Pigeon's Automated Sleuth Helper, I just wrote something for myself, I doubt it is enhanced it is very alpha.
Now that you mentioned Pigeon's Automated Sleuth Helper, I looked at it looks similar, however mine does not include the web browser it is completely seperate, it is much harder to include a web browser when you are not on windows (I could use Rex but last time I used it i was a bit flakey)
The gui is also in development but use use it as just run it, it gets all the information and copies it to the clipboard, which put in a postit note, which I can edit very simple but flexible and the gui will have to be almost complete before it can compete. It shouldn't take too long