Nov-5-2004 18:10
In general, charm works best on those with opposite sex from your character than it works on suspects with same gender. If you get the skill to judge character, you will find out which technique works best on a given individual.
However you only really need to follow one path, tough OR charming in this game - just get as much tough gear, Interrogation skills and Intimidation skills as possible, or as much charming gear, Sweet Talking and Rule Bending as possible.
Since you're tough, I wouldn't bother with the charm skills at all - they only make it possible to click on the wrong choice, in my book.
Nov-5-2004 18:49
Right. Its more important to dress right for one set of skills to maximize how they work.. so if you go tough, ditch the charm gear, its worthless.
There is an option to get a skill called judge of character that lets you tell whether a suspect will respond better to charm or tough. But if you are wearing really high tough gear, even a suspect that would prefer charm will buckle under for you.
If you pick charming, you can do a little better with members of the opposite sex by adding flirting. I don't think that works if you are tough - but someone else might know better. If you go 'tough' a tommy gun will do you a lot more good than flirting.