Baby Names
Jul-14-2007 21:34
Sunny has to be ready to explode now. At SleuthCon, Ben made us all give suggestions, My suggestions was to listen to Ben. There were others captured on video tha I'm sure Sunny will see. What is your suggestion for the babies name. Thinking about it, I say Shady for a boy and Shady for a girl (Shady for a girl fit's so much after What'shername perfected the role at SleuthConI)
Replies |
Rhiemma Moon
Jul-15-2007 22:17
oh... for a boy...
or Ben (aka Sleuth God) jr.
Sleuth About Town
Jul-20-2007 02:00
I say: whatever you do... don't name it Michelle or Sara(h) ... in my opinion, it's waaayyy tooo common...
Jim Diamond
Jul-20-2007 03:34
How about.. Armitage Shanks?
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Jul-20-2007 05:00
The Swedish have a great way of naming boys. You just use the last name. For instance Lars Larson, John Johnson, Pear Pearson......etc. How would that transfer though? If your last name were Humperdink, Hump Humperdink, Simp Simpson... I guess it won't work.
Jul-20-2007 10:56
Well, when it all comes down to it, I think if you have a little boy, the best name just might be Ignatius Menkveld Ringold.
Yeah, that has a nice sound.
Jim Diamond
Jul-20-2007 11:23
No one would be able to discern his sex from his name.
Lucky Stiff
Jul-20-2007 13:34
It HAS to be Ishat!
(if middle name could be Mypants, me and Crunch might be the two happiest sleuthers ever) :)
Jul-20-2007 14:16
how about summer [for girl] or Mark [for boy] i know someone named summer.
Jim Diamond
Jul-20-2007 18:48
"i know someone named summer."
Is she a stripper?
How about Mycrotch?
Jim Diamond
Jul-20-2007 19:00
Oh, and Sophie.. being a Swede, I should perhaps let you know that it doesn't really work like you said (although I think you might already know this). In days of old you took your father's name and added your relation to him to it. If my dad would have been Lars, and my parents decided to name me Benjamin, it would be Benjamin Larsson (Lars's son). If I'd been a girl and they named me Jenny it'd be Jenny Larsdotter (Lars's daughter). Nowadays that isn't done anymore. Now you just get your parents' last name (if they're married and either of them have taken the other one's last name) or names (if they decide to not share one last name, for example Benjamin Larsson-Andersson).