waiting for new day.
Vin Riddick
Jul-18-2004 23:33
I am trying to start a little experiment. While waiting for the new cases start up for the new day. Lets start a Big story line. If you don't want to that's fine. The best is Diane. She can do great story lines. Anyone want to start. (Obviously I am really bored)
Replies |
Vin Riddick
Jul-31-2004 17:03
Vin looks over Elsey's Shoulder.
" Kay is running towards us. She looks scared what should we do?"
Bella looked worried and screamed "RUN"
And they all ran unfortunately in different directions.
Kay stayed on Bellas tail.
Jul-31-2004 21:07
As Elsey ran down the back alley she ran into Sir James coming out of the back of the deli. Elsey ran smack into him and nearly fell into the muck in the alley. Lucky for her (and her clothes) she was able to steady herself before falling.
"Elsey," Sir James said, "I've had a revelation! Kay isn't really evil! I think she was..."
Sir James was not able to finish, for at that moment one of the Bella's ran down the alley from the other direction. Elsey and Sir James stopped talking and stared as the Bella (the one not being followed by Kay) ran up to them.
"Hey, guys," the Bella panted, "have you seen the other Bella?"
Elsey pointed to the end of the alley she had come from and told the Bella that Kay was chasing the other Bella and had headed down main street. The Bella continued her pursuit down the alley.
Elsey turned back to Sir James.
"You were going to tell me something about Kay?"
Vin Riddick
Aug-1-2004 01:22
At that moment Vin realized she was alone and snuck over to the Mayors office.
" What can i do for you Vin Riddick" Said the mayor.
" I need a favor Mayor I need you to find out all you can about the Twin Bellas."
" This will cost you."
" Yes I know" And Vin dumped 20k in the Mayors hand.
" Here's my pocket change. You shouldn't need more than that. I'll be back."
And Vin turned and ran out of the Office, towards th Back Ally of the Deli
Sir James
Aug-1-2004 16:44
"... just trying to be friendly and to help Vin and her personalities!"
Elsey and Sir James look confused at eachother
"No, I asked you:'You were going to tell me about Kay?' and you just finished a sentence which I already forgot you started!"
"Oh, sorry, but you understand now. Don't you?"
"Well, yes, but..."
"No time to waste, there's a rampant Bella on the loose!"
And while Elsey sighs reprovingly "Sir James! There you go again implying all sorts of bad things about people" they run after the Bella.
Bella Luna
Aug-1-2004 18:45
As they all rush up the street they nearly miss Bella who is siting in Octavia's having her hair highlighted. Octavia one of her contacts always gives her a good discount among other things like information on what's going on around town. They crew pile in."What's that smell" say 's Elsey. Sir James grabs the bowl of colour about to be applied to Bella's hair. "Its just peroxide"says Octavia. While holding the bowl gunn who has come in to, grabs the bowl to take a sniff and in the process drops it on the floor.The contents burn a large hole in the timber floor. They stare at opened mouthed at the sizzling debris.
Aug-1-2004 19:15
"Oh dear," cries Elsey. "Octavia was going to kill Bella when she dyed her hair!"
"What WAS that!?!" gunn yelled at Octavia.
Bella jumped out of the styling chair and spun to watch Octavia try to flee the scene. Sir James had been standing in the back of the Barber Shop and grabbed Octavia as she tried to slip out the back door. The crowd surrounds Octavia, everyone demanding to know why.
Aug-1-2004 19:18
then gunn explains it all, she hated bella for insulting her, bella says she talks to much
Bella Luna
Aug-1-2004 20:11
"No I did'nt mix up the colour" said ovtavia. My new apprentice Stella mixed it. The crew look around the shop. "She's not here "said Octavia "she left shortly after to do a errand". "What does she look like"said DaRu. "Funny thing. you know she looks a lot like Bella"
Vin Riddick
Aug-1-2004 23:34
Vin Side Steps the Whole in the floor.
" I just ran into Bella she is lying on the side walk," Vin says looking at everyone.
" Dis is da Reel Bella" Vin Says in a Thick accent, and then does some kind of MOJO dance.
" I am warding off bad spirits." Vin announces and then Walks out of the Shop.
" What the hack was that?" Sir James Says.
"That," Says Elsey" Is the old witch doctor that sometimes comes out of Vin. Her great grand mother is Madam Gris."
"Oh," Said Sir James"What does she mean when she says Bella is lying on the side walk."
They all walked out side and sure enough the twin Bella or "STELLA" was lying on the side walk and Vin was standing over her with a Bid Ritual Knife.
" VIN!!, Yells Elsey. "What are you doing? Put that knife down."
Vin Looks at everyone her eyes Clouded over and Pure white.
" Dis women is pure Evil. She muss be destroyed before she kills de real Bella Luna."
" No Bella screams. She is my sister. We will take her to my Agency and question her. I have Questions I need answered."
" DAT, is your descion Bella Luna. Jou can do what eva you desira." Then Vin changed and Put the knife into her pocket. Turned and walked to the Mayors Office.
" What have you got for me Mayor."
" Here is what you asked for, Don't come and ask for this kind of Favor again unless you are willing to pay with more than Money"
" DOn't threaten me Mayor. I am more dangerous then you think."
Vin then walked to the Black Swan Agency with her Documents on Bella and Stella.
Sir James
Aug-2-2004 07:05
Meanwhile in the charmingly decorated office of Bella Luna, Franky, Bella's personal receptionist, has his hands full serving everybody that gathered there coffee.
Stella is seated on the stylish Italian leather sofa, her hands tied behind her back. Bella is seated behind her desk, and the others stand around looking from the one to the other wondering how it is possible that two people can look so much like eachother.
"Thank you Frankie, that will be all."
"Uhm actually, could you get me another sugar?" Sir James asks, displaying his incredible sense of bad-timing. "What? Did I do something wrong?"
At this awkward moment, Vin rushes in.
"Seeing as Frankie wasn't in, I just let myself in. Hi Frankie, one espresso please." And she slaps the documents on the desk.
A shocked silence. The only thing heard is the indignant mumbling of Sir James. "Well, how was I supposed to know she ment to dismiss him?"
DaRu can't take it any longer and, taking Sir James by his collar, whispers at him: "WILL you be quiet, there are VERY important things about to happen, and I won't let your mumbling drown out ANYTHING that's about to be said. Do you understand?"
Everyone is looking expectantly at Bella and Vin...