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waiting for new day.
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Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-18-2004 23:33

I am trying to start a little experiment. While waiting for the new cases start up for the new day. Lets start a Big story line. If you don't want to that's fine. The best is Diane. She can do great story lines. Anyone want to start. (Obviously I am really bored)



Jul-29-2004 11:03

DaRu, runs to her office and locks the door behind her, while shaking like a leaf. DaRu thinks:.... "This door won't keep Vin out if she truly wants in, maybe if I move my desk in front of the door, she won't have the strength to open it, however, if the mean personality takes over, then I'm in trouble, Oh dear me, I wish Greyling was still here, then maybe she could talk some sense into Vin's head,& help her rid of all these other characters.


Jul-29-2004 11:17

As Mama DaRu listens, with her ear to the wall, she thinks to herself: "ever since I adopted Vin, I've never seen her act this bad,sure I knew about all these personailties,but none of them were violent in nature. My poor sweet Vin, ever since that base ball hit her in the head at school during that game, it's damaged her brain, it's brought all these personalites out in her".


Jul-29-2004 12:56

then DaRu thinks.."I know what I can do,in case she's strong enough to get through the door, I better open the office window and make it look like I jumped out". DaRu feels her way to the door, then runs to open the window, grabs her coat and purse, then makes a mad dash for the supply closet. Once inside she hides back behind the cabinet. About that time she hears a loud bang, and then the sounds of something moving across the floor. "Oh no, she's in here, I better be quiet as a mouse". Then DaRu hears Vin say: "Mama DaRu, are you in here?"


Jul-29-2004 13:01

"Oh I see, she's gone and jumped out the window". Vin walks over and peers out the window and down at the 10 foot drop, "hum....I guess she made it all right, I wonder where she went off too", Vin says aloud, to where DaRu can hear her from her hiding place behind the closet. Then about that time DaRu tries to change positions, because she's too fat to fit behind the cabinet and the wall, this pushes the metal cabinet out a few inches, making noise, and brings Vin's attention to the supply room, "ah, do I hear a big mouse in there?, come out, come out, where ever you are"


Jul-29-2004 13:14

Suddenly Vin jerks the door open and looks inside, as she calls out: "Mom, are you in here, I lost you, and I'm not feeling so good, and why are you in the supply closet with the lights out?", DaRu looks at Vin, and studders: I, I, I...was getting some fax paper for the fax machine", "In the dark?", replies Vin, aah yes, (think of something quick DaRu, says to herself), the light burned out, and I closed the door by mistake, so I didn't take time to open it". Vin looks puzzled at her Mom, scratches her head, and replies: "whatever". DaRu takes a look at Vin in the light and sees she looks red in the face. "Let me feel your brow, my goodness! You're burning up with fever, I better take you over to the clinic and get your checked out", with that Vin passes out again and falls to the floor......

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-29-2004 13:36

DaRu turn's on the light to look at Vin.

" My goodness child you have gone and made a mess of things now havne't you."

DShe then goes out of the office to find some help. At that Moment Evta walks in.

" I need your help Evita. Vin has passed out I need you to pick "him" up and carry her to the couch."

"are you ok. You just called Vin a Him."

" Yes well ther personality that has taken over Vin is a Him right now."

"Oh" Evita walks over and picks up the delicate body.

" What's wrong with her. She's all hot and limp."

" Well It looks like Vin is fighting with the personalities inside her. See Vin is a loving child and she is happy and full of compassion. But when a personality takes over, Particulary this one, she tries to fight with it so she doesn't hurt any one."

Vin Riddick
Vin Riddick

Jul-29-2004 13:39

" OK, I can see that." Evita says still a little confused. He didn't know what kind of Agency emplyed such a complex character.

At that moment Vin opened her eyes.

" Oh, hello." She said.

She then sat up gave Mama Daru a hug and then turned to Evita and gave him one too.

" Thank you" and then she walked to the costume room which also doubled as her room, shut and locked the door.

Evita and DaRu just stared and then sat on the couch.


Jul-29-2004 15:13

Kay wakes...she rubs her neck and says oww what stuck me.....god i fell really sick...(cough cough) i think i need some food...eeww...first i need to change.

kay goes to the ladies room to clean herself and change clothes.

45 min. pass.....kay walks down to the deli to get a sandwich.


Jul-30-2004 10:58

Kay walks into the deli to find Elsey, Sir James, and Bella having lunch and discussing the issue of the "reappearing, long-lost twin" issue. Kay sits down behind the group and listens in to thier conversation.

"How do we know you're the Real Bella?" Elsey asks of the woman sitting across from her.

"Elsey," she replies, "How can you ask me such a thing. I am the same woman who you went in search of the waiter, Maria, with to gain information on the lost treasure. I am shocked that you would not recognize me as such!"

Elsey looks ashamed. "I'm sorry," she answers. "It's just that I had to make sure!"

"That's understandable," says Sir James. "It's not as though you work with Bella on a daily basis and know her Very well."

"Exactly!" Elsey cried. "I'm so glad you two understand me."

Kay finished her sandwich and continued listening to the 3 of them.


Jul-30-2004 11:28

gunn enters the deli with a bag of cookies, a turkey sandwhich, and a bottle of aquafina, sits down on the couch in the corner and listens to the strange story as it develops

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