Sleuth Home - Detective Lord Jon SnowDirector - Ice & Fire Investigations
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Bartender (New York) Arch Villains
Black Widow Circe Minx
Xavier "the Beetle" Kaloyenov
Lord Ludwig Kowalski
Ming "Sirocco" Devlin
Captain Lazarus Moriarty
Marchioness Mirjeta Drake
Fisnik "Two Chins" Cain
Silvanus "Monkey Face" Arjun
Pavel "the Martyr" Xylander
Captain Roderick Adler
Wily Rasputin Scroggs
Laszlo "the Snake" Simonides
Baronness Veda Kaloyenov
Zoltan "the Centipede" Thorn
Acantha "Stiletto" Simonides
Soldier Zandra Kaloyenov
Books Collected
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Adventure of the Empty House
Vox Imperium
The Circle of Fire
The Art of War
A History of Indian Philosophy
Noir Holiday Poems
Seuss Noir
Halloween Trick