Sleuth Home - Detective D. Balagas

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Reformed Burglar
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Detective Biography

Forensic private detective D. Balagas asks himself four questions when he is faced with a crime: what has happened; who is the victim; who are the suspects and what are the facts; and why?
Only when he has the answers to these questions can he address the fifth: who is responsible?

"Looking back, I don't remember the victims' faces because usually the pictures I see are taken after death when the light has gone out of their eyes. What I do remember are their minds because so much of what I do involves learning the intimate details and rhythm of their lives. It's knowing them and knowing what happened to them that makes the pain and sadness of their deaths even greater. This is not enjoyable work.
The memories will never go away and they are the most potent reason why I can't say no when the people (clients) call. Each time I see the minds, hundreds of them, a sea of people who have been murdered, abused and damaged; and somewhere there is a man or woman who will continue to hurt. He (She)'s likely to be sitting and remembering what he (she) did and savouring it. He (She)'s real and out there and eventually the urge will begin to build up again. I can't always predict when this will happen but I do know that unless he (she)'s stopped he (she) is going to kill again and again and again.
How can I say no?"

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-1)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-3)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-3)
Green Hand:  Poor(-3)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


Barber (New York)

Arch Villains

None Caught

Books Collected

The Mystery of Marie Roget
Edgar Allan Poe