Sleuth Home - Detective Inspector Psi-man

Tough and Smart
5183 days
Disillusioned Police Detective
Sleuth Theme:
The Eastern Triads
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Detective Biography

It was a long story, and like all long stories it required a long drink. Psi-man had never intended to become a private detective, but life had taken a wrong turn somewhere.

It all began in one of New York’s poorer neighborhoods with two kids playing on the street, young Silas Mann and his friend Jonas Jameson. Their juvenile game of cowboys and Indians became a scuffle over who would play the sheriff. As usual Jonas won and Silas was the bad guy, but he swore that one day he would be the sheriff. Ten years later, Silas was on parade with his classmates as he graduated from the New York police academy, somewhere in the middle of his class. ‘Not brilliant, but thorough’ were the words most often seen on his report forms. His steady common-sense, led to a short and undistinguished career in the NYPD. One of the highlights of his three years was arresting Jonas for burglary. THIS TIME, Silas was allowed to play the sheriff. His ruthless honesty and refusal to ‘look the other way’ won him no friends and finally, when he presented his proof to the division chief, he was told it didn’t matter a dime because money could talk and it said Silas Mann had to walk… or be fired on trumped up charges. This way he got out with a clean rep and a reference for a job as a customs inspector at the docks.

That lasted two years before his resolute integrity dragged him into a trouble. This time his refusal to accept a bribe and ignore a smuggled shipment of contraband led him into trouble with the Deis Arcanum Brotherhood. It was either get out of town or become another statistic. He took passage on a boat headed for Shanghai as a cargo handler and arrived with only a few bucks in his pocket and a raging thirst. His only souvenirs of his former life as a detective were his old NYPD detective’s badge and that written reference. At first he did odd laboring jobs to make ends meet and pay for his whiskey, but they never paid enough. His name became Psi-man, which was the best his landlady could do to pronounce his name. It was by pure chance that he saw an advert in the local bar for a detective’s agency. Private detectives were pretty low on the food chain, but at least it was law enforcement of a sort. And he might get to play the sheriff again. So he dusted off that old reference, and bought a second hand suit instead of second hand whiskey with his last paycheck. Armed with those and a nasty hangover, Psi-man applied for a job at Joss Boss Detectives Agency. The reference did the trick, and he got the job and never looked back. The pay was better, the other detectives were ok, and it filled in the space between drinks better than hauling junk.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Fair(7)
Eastern Triads:  Good(10)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-2)
Green Hand:  Good(10)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


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Tailor (London)
Barber (Shanghai)
Fortune Teller (Shanghai)
Bartender (Delhi)

Arch Villains

None Caught

Books Collected

The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie

Martin Hewitt, Investigator
Arthur Morrison

The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe

The Moonstone
Wilkie Collins