Sleuth Home - Detective Brian Flannigan

Very Smart
5595 days
Disgraced Doctor
Sleuth Theme:
Shady Character
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Brown Two Tones

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Detective Biography

My name is Flannigan. Brian Flannigan. I was born in 1891 into a wealthy family of thre children and I am the middle child. My father, Tim Flannigan, was a doctor and the inspiration of my life. When I graduated high school, I decided to follow his footsteps.

I excelled in my classes and I soon came to the top of the class. I graduated and got married to a beautiful woman named Marie Johanson. But we soon divorced in a no-fault-divorce. We still spoke to each other and I still loved her.

After a couple of years of working, a group of thugs came in to the hospital with body. I was being forced to rule it as a suicide. I said no. It was murder. There was no way the man had killed himself. The angle of the bullet entrance was too high up on the side of his head. When I told them no, they pulled their guns on me and in self defence, I shot one killing them. One of the thugs muttered, "This isn't over, doc," on his way out. I didn't know what he meant so I ignored him.

The next day I recieved news that the love of my life, who was my ex-wife, was murdered. I swore up and down that I would find out who did this and bring him to justice. I became a private detective. I never quit as a doctor but I opened my own agency office and began taking on cases. On days that I'm not taking on cases, I'm out looking for any clues that will lead me to find my wife's killer.


Order o Socrates:  Fair(1)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Neutral(0)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-1)
Eastern Triads:  Neutral(0)
Circle of Light:  Neutral(0)
Green Hand:  Neutral(0)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)



Arch Villains

None Caught

Books Collected
