Sleuth Home - Detective Christine Everson
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Detective BiographyChristine had always had a knack for finding things out. She was naturally a curious person, which isn't always a good thing. The only daughter to a journalist father, her brothers all went off into other fields, leaving their father hoping that Christine would become a journalist like him. She didn't mind, she found the field thoroughly enjoyable. However, while working at the family's small newspaper was fun, Christine had bigger dreams. When a chance to work for the city paper came her way, she grabbed it, and began eking out her career. Her talents shone brightly, perhaps too bright. She was always being asked to tone down her stories, not investigate so much. Christine found this immensely troubling, since what else were you supposed to do when you reported the news? Eventually, she grew tired of the lies and deception within the paper, and left. Her investigative skills had become well-known, however, so she decided to throw her hand into detective work. |
PoliticsContactsNone Arch VillainsNone Caught Books CollectedNone |