Sleuth Home - Detective Lisa Lisa

Very Smart
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Classic Sleuth
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Jade Bracelet Doctor's Bag Golden Turban Tweed Coat Black Lace Ups

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Detective Biography

If you know Lorcan's story, then you'd be aware of how he was getting on before I shot out of the bar and grabbed hold of him.
"Where'd you come from, doc?," he said surpisedly. "I've been here all night," I replied; " but I had no idea you were here, too, until I heard McGuffin being quoted and you're the only other person I know who does that." I of course, omitted the fact that I knew my old mentor had been keeping tabs on me, using his pull to keep me from harm and at that moment, was relieved that the quote he had offered his former compatriot had drawn me to seek him out.
That's actually how we came to know each other. Years before, I had been drinking at Desmond's, celebrating (and grieving over) the successful completion and defense of my PhD dissertation. Well into my cups and bearing my soul to the bartender (quite non-typical as I, like my friend, hold fast to the Ulster motto) I rambled on about not knowing if I really wanted a life in the academy and only finishing my PhD because I hadn't a clue what else to do. The bartender graciously gave a few words of praise for 'sticking it out' and working hard. I picked up my drooping head and snorted. " I supposed there's a moral in it somewhere, but for the life of me, I'm damned if I can find it!"
Before I could relish the pleasure of this singular reference, the man who was now hugging me to him had tapped me on the shoulder, conveyed his condolences to me on my unfortunate career choice and struck up a conversation about sleuthing. And so it began.


Order o Socrates:  Good(10)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-3)
Eastern Triads:  Neutral(0)
Circle of Light:  Neutral(0)
Green Hand:  Neutral(0)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


Fortune Teller (New York)

Arch Villains

None Caught

Books Collected
