Sleuth Home - Detective Maggie the Red
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Detective Biography
The name on my birth certificate reads "Marguerite Adele LaRouge", a moniker that suits me like a vampire bat needing a fancy sun hat. I insisted on "Maggie" as soon as my vocabulary allowed, throwing my mother into fits and leaving my father shaking his head in despair. Years passed. I suffered through finishing school, like all good daughters of my parents' social set, but roughened up my edges when the teachers had their eyes elsewhere. Eventually, I was set to marry this nice guy - a sweet kid, really - but I wasn't settling for happily ever after any more than I settled for Marguerite. So as soon as I could call my finances my own, I up and moved to Shanghai, found a shabby apartment on the west side of town, and joined up with a buncha swell gals calling themselves the Sirens. I go by Maggie the Red now, and my rough edges do me just fine when I'm solving murders. Although I can manage a killer wink and smile if the need arises. I'm happier than I ever dreamed I could be - and every day is a new surprise.
Banker (New York) Arch Villains
Violet "the Dragon" Claw
Books Collected
Secret Adversary
The Mysterious Affair at Styles
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Moonstone