Sleuth Home - Detective Jeanne De La Motte

Very Smart
6219 days
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Detective Biography

“How had things even gotten as far as they had?” I remember him asking me.
The beautiful fiend that I was, assuming a French name, fake identity and even false accent, I replied. “’tis passion Nicholas, the poison of love would you not agree.” “Poison me,” he begged as his huge arms surrounded my torso... So I did…

The evidence was there, had anyone bothered to look.
I brushed my long dark hair aside and gazed at the immaculate crime scene once more with huge green eyes. I always come back to my murder scenes, live in retrospect, and drown in melancholic nostalgia. The cyanide bottle sparkles untouched where I left it. No one questioned his death.

“If I’d known how it would all end, I would never have started it.” I tell her.
“Lies!” she replies. “Nothing but pitiful formulated lies... You devil.”
I smile. “Flattery will get you nowhere with me.”
“I know you killed him.”
I smile. I attempt walking past her. She blocks my way.
“You killed him.” She reiterates.
Very politely, I nod.

Tallulah shook her head in denial while her eyes opened wide with horror. “How could you Jeanne?! He loved nothing more than your eyes… he desired nothing other than your smile…” She was weeping in sheer terror. I utter the final words. “A death-blow is a life-blow to some, who, till they died, did not alive become.” A dagger appears in the dark.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Fair(4)
Cosa Nostra:  Fair(4)
Eastern Triads:  Neutral(0)
Circle of Light:  Neutral(0)
Green Hand:  Neutral(0)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)



Arch Villains

None Caught

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