Sleuth Home - Detective Pearl Noir

Smart and Charming
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Completed Missions

  • Packages Delivered: 7
  • Overdue Books Returned: 10
  • Nemeses Captured: 0
  • Secret Plans Revealed: 1
  • Artifacts Unearthed: 0
  • Journal Pages Found: 0
  • Brass Rings Won: 0

Detective Biography

Okay, maybe I wasn't born on the right side of the tracks, but that doesn't mean I'm not a nice person! A soft word and a smile gets the answers. Don't be fooled by my pretty face--I'm one sharp cookie!

It all started with the disappearance of my mother when I was still a child. Some say she may have been a little lacking in moral character, but she was still my Momma. Poppa took it hard, and afterwards he was never far from a bottle of booze. He got to preferring the bottle to working, and it was up to me to take care of him. I scraped and scrambled with this job and that, and still managed to keep my grades up.

When I could, I enrolled in Queens College and met a new class of people there. Maybe I didn't have the money or the clothes to really fit in, but somehow I managed to stay on friendly terms with some interesting folks. I guess I just have a way with people.

My mother's disappearance has always haunted me, and maybe that's why I became a private investigator. I know the world can be a cold, cruel place, but I am willing to do whatever I can to shine a little light into the mysterious darkness. Besides, I'm good at it, and I've been able to make enough money to pay Poppa's rent. I drop in and see him from time to time. Sometimes he's sober and we remember Momma. I tell him that I'm going to find her, and maybe I will someday.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Neutral(0)
Cosa Nostra:  Good(10)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-2)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-2)
Green Hand:  Poor(-3)
The Tea Steepers:  Great(50)
Shangri La Tigers:  Terrible(-50)


Waitress (New York)
Barber (New York)
Librarian (London)
Concierge (London)
Waitress (Shanghai)
Calligraphist (Shanghai)
Fortune Teller (Delhi)
Podiatrist (Delhi)
Shoemaker (Cairo)
Fortune Teller (Cairo)

Arch Villains

Dasharath "the Viper" Mahendra

Jack "the Weasel" von Wrath

Caesar "the Snake" Thorn

Veda "Needles" Malatesta

Admiral Wanjala Moriarty

Abdul "Machine Gun" Rowe

Jezebel "the Viper" Wolf

Baron Karl Severn

Augustus "Whirling Dervish" Cain

Books Collected

The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventure of the Empty House
Arthur Conan Doyle

A Scandal in Bohemia
Arthur Conan Doyle

Martin Hewitt, Investigator
Arthur Morrison

The Mystery of Marie Roget
Edgar Allan Poe

A History of Indian Philosophy
Surendranath Dasgupta

The Moonstone
Wilkie Collins