Sleuth Home - Detective Ham Dixon

Tough and Charming
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Detective Biography

I looked at the reporter again. My eyes narrowed. I didn't respond immediately.

"Come on, Dix," he prompted. "Tell me about yourself. We can't run a profile on this city's most prolific detectives without including you."

I considered fingering the butt of the revolver I kept in a holdster around my shoulder. "This is all the profile about me you need."

I bit back my impulse and decided to give a little. Why not? The kid seemed harmless enough and it could actually be good for business.

"I go by Dixon. Ham Dixon. You know that."

"I know, Dix. What do you mean, you 'go by Dixon'? Is that not your real name?"

I hesitated. "It's real enough for you."

The kid new a scoop when he saw one. "Don't hold out on me. Come on. The public's dying to know. Is there another side to Ham Dixon? A secret identity?"

I thought about it for a second. Maybe I should have just flashed my piece, after all. Finally, I turned toward the reporter and looked him in the eye.

"I had a dream last night," I said.

He scribbled on his notepad and I waited until he looked up before continuing.

"In this dream, seems like I was 24-years-old, lived in Michigan and had a daughter named Madison."

Guess he thought that was signficant. He took it down word for word, anyway, before looking up at me with eager eyes. "Anything else, Dix?"

In response, I just started to walk away. Never had much patience for the press, and this interview was over. I stopped suddenly. Maybe it was something in his expression. I don't know. But I decided to be generous.

I turned back and looked at him. "Sure. One more thing. I don't know if it means anything."

The look on his face was clear to read. He was hanging on my every word.

"In this dream, people called me Brad."

He scribbled on his notepad.

"I prefer Dix," I said just loud enough for him to hear before disappearing into the shadows.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-2)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Good(10)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Good(10)
Green Hand:  Poor(-3)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


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