Sleuth Home - Detective Lady of Shalott

Director - Dumb Witness Investigations

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Very Smart
6840 days
Disgraced Doctor
Sleuth Theme:
The Green Hand
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Detective Biography

My name is Lady of Shalott. Of course it's not my real name, but I'm a disgraced doctor (falsely accused, of course), so you'll understand why I use a false name.
I was accused of letting a patiend die and refusing to help her (it was an elderly lady, if I remember well, her name was Miss Marple, but I'm not sure any more, it happened a long time ago). I really couldn't help her, she was more than a hundred years old and she just died a few seconds after I was summoned to her, of old age I suspect although I cannot be sure. Her nephew was by her bedside, a well known writer, and he was the one who accused me of unprofessional behaviour. That's all, and the less said about it the better. So I took up a new profession, that of a private detective, being very smart and educated, but I'm a very modest person and I don't want to say anything more about myself. I just solved my first case and got a modest (very modest indeed) reward for it, and now, to new victories! I'm going to become as famous as they say that old lady was (the one I let die, ups!)


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-2)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-3)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-3)
Green Hand:  Good(10)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


Curator (London)
Tailor (London)

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