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New Player Tutorial
Welcome to Sleuth. In this tutorial, we'll walk through solving a simple mystery. We'll explain the basic rules and give some strategy tips to get you started on the path of solving more difficult and rewarding cases. Let's get started now.

This is the mystery introduction page. On this page you'll see the title of the mystery, along with a little bit of text, setting the tone. You will be introduced to the client, and learn about any other people the client may suspect of the murder.

Once you've read through this page, click the "Continue" link at the bottom.
Exit Tutorial

The Straight-Forward Mystery of the Ancient Shock
Intro author Sleuth Admin

It was smoky, dark and noisy that night in the Tricky Mister. I was seated at the end of the bar, enjoying a laugh with some of the regulars. A large group of sailors, fresh in from a tour in the Philippines, joked and shouted amongst themselves. They seemed unaware of the local pickpockets and hucksters who were gathering in the shadows, awaiting their chance to swoop in and part them from their money.

It seemed like half of the town was in that evening, with one notable exception. I was happy to see that the shady fellow who usually held court in the back of Tricky Mister was nowhere in sight. The mood in the place was noticeably lighter, thanks to his absence.

Despite the crowd, I noticed when the bartender gestured towards me, apparently in answer to a question. I had to lean back in my bar stool, in order to see who he was talking to. My hope was to give myself enough time to make an exit, if it turned out to be somebody who wanted to find me,more than I wanted to be found by them.

Too late, she saw me looking, and came straight for me. There was no escaping, so I finished my drink and stood up to greet her.

Irma Bales, a slim woman with straight hair and a case that will haunt me until my dying day.

She was the Best Friend of the victim, Loretta Sheriff,murdered in cold blood.

The cops were no help, of course. So she came to me.

She gave me the names of some people of interest. Then, she made it very clear which way her suspicions pointed.

Topping her list was Richela Tomlin, Loretta's Bookie. Richela utterly despised the victim.