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Hypnotism skill


Jul-7-2005 09:05

my archtype is tough and smart but its the only available special skill I can learn at the moment. is it worth learning even if I dont have any charm equipments/skills?

and what does hypnotism do to suspects/witnesses? how does this skill work?



Jul-7-2005 09:10

oh yeah 1 more question... about research skill. what "useful information" can you find in the hall of records?

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Jul-7-2005 09:25

You are better off learning the basic skills. The faction skills are not very useful until much later on. You would be helping yourself more by getting your interviewing and smart skills first.
Research allows you to check the city record where you will find out that one person has a valid alibi even if they tell you they did not. It will eliminate one of your suspects. A very useful skill to have.


Jul-7-2005 09:54

Arabella is right, faction skills are best left until after you have full set of interview and smart skills.

Research, depends on who you ask. :) I LOVE research and start out early with it. Others don't have a problem working without it. It basically gives you a real alibi for someone with a fake one without even having to ask that person for an alibi to begin with. So you save that question, then you also save on asking about evidence connected to that person since there will never be any evidence linked to your person cleared with research.

Hypnotism will sometimes give you an extra name when asking for motives, and it works best with charming gear. It's nice, but it can't replace a good set of interview skills.


Jul-8-2005 05:44

ok I think ill just get the research skill next.

thx for the info guys.

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