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Please HELP!
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Jun-30-2004 15:40

I started to do a favor and I questioned the only suspect. She gave me her alibi but then she clammed up so now how do I get to the other suspects?



Jul-19-2004 15:51

What i love is when you remember to ask for motive first, and they wont even answer the first question, and they're the only lead you have


Jul-19-2004 15:52

What i love is when you remember to ask for motive first, and they wont even answer the first question, and they're the only lead you have


Jul-20-2004 03:19

if they wont even answer 1 question it means u r playing over ur level. u might consider going to lower level for a while and get some skills first like sweet talking or interogaton.

D.L. Williams
D.L. Williams

Jul-20-2004 08:17

And you may want to dress according to the way you choose to question them.

For example,

Dress with Charm Equipment if you are going to use your Sweet Talking skill.

Dress with Toughness Equipment if you are going to use your Interrogation skill.

Hint: You should invest and major in either Toughness or Charm initially so you dont have to keep on changing clothes during cases. I learnt the hard way..

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