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Feb-23-2005 19:53

I have been reading messages about contacts. What is it and where can I get one?


Ms J
Ms J

Feb-24-2005 16:30

Ok, thanks for your help. I'll just keep working and we'll see if anything comes along.. =)

Ms J
Ms J

Feb-24-2005 16:31

Oh, thats me too.. I'm such a junkie at this that I have two detectivs..*lol* /Ms C

Ms C
Ms C

Feb-27-2005 03:53

Got it! *s* The butcher and I are friends..

Ms C
Ms C

Feb-27-2005 03:56

Can someone please tell me what's in the bankvault and how you get in there?


Feb-27-2005 04:39

Ms C, if you join an agency, you'll be able to participate in treasure hunts. Sometimes the treasures are in the vault. This is (thus far and that I know of) the only purpose for the bank vault. There's room in my alter ego, Dr. Falco Maltese's agency, Behind Closed Doors, if you are interested in giving agency life a whirl...

Ms J
Ms J

Feb-27-2005 06:05

Thanks, that was a nice offer, but does it mean I have to move to Shanghai? I'm in NY. /Ms C

Dr. Falco Maltese
Dr. Falco Maltese

Feb-27-2005 14:16

Behind Closed Doors is located in London, and you'd want to travel there to take full advantage of the agency case files equipment locker, and so on. But you could be in the agency and still be in New York, or travel back to NYC after a while...


Feb-27-2005 17:34

I have done a bunch of favours, and I haven't gotten a contact.


Feb-27-2005 18:51

weisser, you will. And in the meantime, the agents in your agency can help you with their contacts...

Ms J
Ms J

Feb-28-2005 05:20

I think I'll look for something in NY. Does anyone by the way know if you can find Lucy's whithout Larry?

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