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The Shady Relief Fund
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The Shady Relief Fund
The Shady Relief Fund

Jul-2-2016 05:35

The Shady Relief Fund (hereinafter "the Fund") is a fund organized to help provide financial assistance to detectives owing between $500,000.00 and $1,000,000 to the Shady Character due to False Accusations.

The rules are simple:

1. To receive assistance you must contribute to the Fund a set amount monthly (amount to be determined).

2. You must have 2 False Accusations on your record before the Fund will pay monies towards your Shady fee.

3. The Fund will only pay half of your total Shady fee as per Shady's associate in Delhi.

4. The Fund will only provide assistance to a detective once in a 12 month period. If you apply for assistance from the Fund and are approved, you will not be eligible to receive assistance from the Fund for the next 12 months. However, if you wish to receive assistance from the Fund at the end of that 12 month period, you will be required to continue making monthly contributions during the deferral period.

5. You must have been a member of the Fund (i.e., contributing to the Fund on a monthly basis) for six months before you can apply for financial assistance.

6. You may make your monthly contributions by wiring money to The Shady Relief Fund from your nearest financial institution.


Ebony Villanueva
Ebony Villanueva

Jul-6-2016 02:25

This thread made me reconsider my not-clearing-Shady-debt decision, but to be safe I'm just going to transfer most of the money to my other account (yes, I'm still not paying him).

Con Artist

Jul-6-2016 03:56

Ebony pm sent. It may not apply to you, but it may affect your decision.

And maybe Secret_Squirrel is right about my long-windedness.... Hmm.


Jul-6-2016 05:49

Carrying one FA around may keep you on your toes but personally, when I get a second I want to clear it right away. But I guess it depends. If you can find a safe haven for your money and you don't mind getting contacts again from scratch, I suppose retirement could be an option.

If you're in an agency and your contacts were vital it may push you towards clearing your debt with Shady.

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jul-6-2016 09:56

Believe it or not you will get to a point where money means absolutely nothing. Your detective, however, is what you want to protect. You can't purchase experience.

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