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How was your Sleuth day?
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Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2011 09:05

Have you just had your best day of Sleuthing ever? Solved your first AI case? Got your last contact? Picked up your first treasure? Found a spoon? Finally got into the Prince's Palace?*

This is the place to share the joy, have a 'woot' or two and be congratulated by your fellow Sleuths.

Or maybe you've just had to pay Shady enough cash to finance a small war. Or reached screaming point with the tailor in Delhi. Or been pirated twice in a row. Or fallen into a trap three times running. You can share the woe, too, and we'll commiserate. We've probably been there too.

Me? I'm just happy that after two days' worth of 'south of the race track' I've finally got out of Shanghai :)

(* If you don't get the references, never mind. You could ask someone. Or you could just wait and see what the world of Sleuth brings you further down the line...)


Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-19-2015 11:32

Congrats, Iset! :)

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

May-19-2015 13:00

Yes, well done Iset. You'll be over taking me in no time.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

May-22-2015 02:58

I just got the favour we need for a TH (the one we've been waiting for, for two or three days) and the crime scene gives me 3 hairs and 1 thread. Awesome, my contact here is the Barber. I managed to unconsciously analyse all three hairs but apparently I just couldn't handle the thread. That's fine until all three hairs end up coming from honest, real-alibi-giving heads. Now, I have to match the un-analysed thread to one of my other four suspects. It would be funny and all, if it didn't happen ALL. THE. TIME.

Iset Hekate
Iset Hekate
Old Shoe

May-22-2015 09:08

Thanks, Bela and Yeti.

Bela... that happened in over half my cases yesterday. Real fun.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter

Jun-12-2015 19:11

"Intro author ctown28

Shahinda Ghanem walked into my office and asked me to solve a murder."



THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is the best intro I've ever read. (Seriously, there are probably better, but I haven't actually READ them).

Not sure why it tickled me so, but I snickered through the entire case.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-6-2015 04:23

SIX suspects hanging around the FT's! Naturally, she can't be bothered to answer more than two questions...

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Jul-10-2015 21:20

I had it narrowed down to 4 suspects with fake alibis and the only way left to find my killer was to get a witness ID. So of course the first 3 of my suspects had nothing for me, but Ben my 4th suspect ( with Admins pic) tells me he saw Michael washing blood from his hands. Cool guilty party found. I leave Ben and pay a visit to my killer. I accuse him and up pops.... Wrong. False accusation..
So what happened.
My brain must have decided to take a vacation since it appears I went straight back to Ben and accused him.

Yeti Face
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur

Jul-11-2015 01:05

Poor Ben.

shell marple
shell marple
Con Artist

Jul-11-2015 15:57

Poor Ben? He was released unharmed. I think you should be feeling sorry for the resistance. Shady now has all the money I was going to forward to them to further their cause.

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-11-2015 22:18

Now that's a reversal! :D Is it so bad that I might (just maybe, sometimes) add a mental note to check on a suspect if they have Ben's pic? It works more often than it doesn't. Really.

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