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How was your Sleuth day?
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Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Aug-25-2011 09:05

Have you just had your best day of Sleuthing ever? Solved your first AI case? Got your last contact? Picked up your first treasure? Found a spoon? Finally got into the Prince's Palace?*

This is the place to share the joy, have a 'woot' or two and be congratulated by your fellow Sleuths.

Or maybe you've just had to pay Shady enough cash to finance a small war. Or reached screaming point with the tailor in Delhi. Or been pirated twice in a row. Or fallen into a trap three times running. You can share the woe, too, and we'll commiserate. We've probably been there too.

Me? I'm just happy that after two days' worth of 'south of the race track' I've finally got out of Shanghai :)

(* If you don't get the references, never mind. You could ask someone. Or you could just wait and see what the world of Sleuth brings you further down the line...)


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jul-4-2013 11:36

I finally found the meditation pool, now I'm looking for the medication head hurts from all that thinking.

luc pfeiffer
luc pfeiffer

Jul-4-2013 21:55

Breit made it through London in 3 cases! And Pirate Kitty's tummy needs a bandage. Not to mention a rest from tournament play. have fun all. Happy 4th! L

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-5-2013 05:37


That poor kitty. It must have gone through those villains pretty fast, the way we rubbed the lucky tummy...oh, well.

*runs off to have scent changed, to prevent a certain feline from...*

Oh, and Sophie, the day I'll have to think that least you did it!!! You're that much closer to chumming it up with the Tigers! :D Though, of course, the only REASON you need the Tigers, is to solve a Nemesis Hunt (since you already have the awesome shoes :) is to solve a Nemmy Hunt, which you would have already DONE, to get the opportunity to party it up with the Tigers...hmm...anybody see a pattern here? :D

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-10-2013 07:41

Okay, I am CONVINCED that my Nemesis is making fun of me!!! I'm in London on my VH, and my PE there is the Barber (who is only the most useless Contact ever for a charming gal), and, first case there, I have an urchin running towards me...great, if the Crime Scene hadn't shown 3(!!!) hairs (the first time the Barber could have been of any use!!!)

Still, it's a Nemesis case, and justice must prevail and all that, so I solve the case, do the task, come back to London for my next case in the Hunt, and open the Crime Scene to find 3 (again!!!! Yay!!! :) hairs! And then, that kid came running...again...

I'm DELIGHTED to get these cases, of course, but now, I also know that there's an evil part in the game somewhere that sits around and laughs at you!

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jul-10-2013 10:59

Oh yes. I think of it as the evil Sleuth gnome, sitting there in the murky depths of the internet chortling as he throws you four right-handed notes and three Banker alibis...

Melanie D'lish
Melanie D'lish
Big Winner

Jul-10-2013 13:53

Similar evidence-based annoyances here ... and after getting yet another clunker of a Nemesis clue, telling me what I already knew from a previous clue!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-10-2013 15:40

Bela, your nemesis IS making fun of you.. at least that's the word around the street... hehehehehe :D

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-10-2013 15:52

Oh Bela, my dear....I just got 3 hairs on my nemesis quest and Octavia is my contact in NY...however, mercy was given to me and I solved it thanks to WE :D :D :D

Bela Talbot III
Bela Talbot III
Con Artist

Jul-13-2013 18:54

Damn! At least give me a *chance* to laugh at you! :)

*competitive mode* Well, I got TWO 3 hair cases in London, so I WIN!

Lady Jas
Lady Jas
The Chosen One

Jul-13-2013 20:25

London loved me today Bela, first time ever..Out of there in 3 cases. :D

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