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Pinball Pro

Apr-16-2009 10:18

I wanted to start this thread to get some opinions from others in the community about the advantages that some players/agencies have over one another. I am not saying my thoughts on them are right or wrong nor am I saying that anybody else’s is. In fact, you may see me flip flop on the topics from time to time as I sometimes like to look at both sides.

What I do not want to see here is for this to turn into a flame war and/or any name calling. Remember, it doesn’t matter if you have been here for 10 days or 1000 days. Every opinion of someone that pays to play the game carries just as much weight as the next person.

A good debate can be healthy for the community and I ask you to all stay respectful here even if you disagree with something that is said here. I will start with some topics and would like to see them discussed and if anyone thinks I missed something or would like to add a topic, by all means go for it.


Sleuth About Town

May-3-2009 16:41

Well, after "reading" (more like skimming) through all these posts, there's not much I can say that would differ with what's already been said by someone or another. I agree with some, and disagree with others regarding different areas, so instead of posting my opinion on all the topics that would be similar to those already done, I'm gonna bring up something else.

Sidekick cases -

I don't know if anyone else understood them like I did, or what... but I felt it necessary to bring it up in here, since it does (to me, anyway) give somewhat of an advantage. When these started, I recall being told somewhere, I can't recall where or how many others knew of this, that once your subscription expires, you lose the sidekick cases. The way I understood it, it was a permanent deal, but it was brought to my attention, this isn't the case. So, upon resubbing, you get more than 12 cases back if you have sidekick cases?

Of course, I've opted not to get sidekicks, mainly because I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep up with my sub at all times. However, I guess, I brought it up for clarifications, as well as what others think of it.

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