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Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Mar-18-2009 18:11

He knew it would happen someday, but maybe not quite so soon. There was the itch, but the itch had been there from the day he'd walked into City Hall and handed in his badge. Then there were the withdrawal symptoms. They weren't too bad at first. The folkes at Shady Acres Rest Home for the Elderly and Infirm had helped him ease into the transition, and the lazy days spent playing backgammon and eating apple sauce were quite fun, but that quickly died, just like a lot of the residents. The parking spaces were too small also, and the dents and scrapes down the side of the almost new Cadillac made it look more like it had served in the Great War than the pottering around town it usually did. Slowly, the itch took over. No more chases down dark alleys. No more sitting in cars, sometimes for days at a time, drinking bad coffee and waiting for a lead. No more clinking of handcuffs as another murderer is brought to justice.

It was no good. The itch was too strong, and only a shiny new detective badge could scratch it.

After taking the Cadillac back to the dealer, and losing half the new price for the damage, a trip to the local City Hall was at hand. Almost as soon as he stepped inside, Adam felt he was home.

Standing on the steps of City Hall, new detective badge in hand, Adam thought about what lay ahead of him. He wasn't as fit as he was in the old days, and even then he struggled to keep up with short women in high heels. Maybe a bicycle would be a good start. Maybe a diet would be a good start more like. Both of those suggestions were laughable though. The only diet he could think of was the See-food diet, and that only seemed to help him gain weight.Anyhow, the only rational thing to do now was come up with a witty and pointless name for his new detective agency. But even that was a strain.

Before he could give it any thought, a small boy approached him with an envelope and a big grin.


Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Mar-18-2009 18:11

"This is for you mister. Someone Called Dave asked me to give it to you." Adam turned over the envelope to find the official seal of Crazytown Dave. His first case. The letter itself was written in a childish scrawl, and had only an address on it. More than he sometimes got from Crazytown, so he had something to be thankful for.

Crazytown Dave was the owner of a record store in the district, and pirated a small time radio show with a fanbase you could count on one elbow. He had an unusual aura that made him a magnet for crazy people and those who needed crimes solving that were too mundane for the police to solve, and Adam was top of his list of chumps. Nobody is quite sure where the name came from, but the main theory was that he went postal in his home town, even eating a solid brass statue of the town founder. After being shot up with enough tranquilizers to take down half an army, he was dumped outside a record store in New York to begin a new life.

The address was only a block from Adam's new office, so it wasn't going to be much check it out.An old abandoned warehouse stood at 122 Fake Street, but 123 didn't exist. So much for Crazytown's note. Just another joke to him. Adam made a mental note to visit his store with a metal bar and reestablish their friendship. But first he needed to get round to the new agency he leased.

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Mar-18-2009 18:11

The block was owned by a woman known only as "The Lady of the Night." Although nobody had ever seen her, there was always the feeling that she was watching you, listening, lurking just around the corner. Legend has it that she spends her nights as a Dilettante supervillain, and has quite a collection of minions with which to do her bidding. But to Adam she was just a landlady. A slightly creepy landlady, but a good one nonetheless.

The agency itself was fairly modest, not much more than a desk, comfortable chair and a radio, but that was more than enough for Adam. He grabbed the agencywarming gift basket, extracted the bottle Wild Turkey, stripped down to his boxers and got comfotable with Crazytown Pirate Radio.

Battered Shoe

Mar-18-2009 18:27

Nic had heard that Adam Carter was back in town after a brief sabatacle. She wasn't sure where he had gone off to, but it had something to do with rehabilitation or old people. She wasn't sure.

Nic had always been curious about this mysterious Adam Carter and the strange cases he got himself involved in. She thought maybe it was time to meet him, especially after his unusual disappearance and return. She headed down to the Tricky Mister bar to try to get some info on him.

The locals there seemed to know a lot about Mr. Carter. She got an address to his new agency and also learned of an interesting issue this Carter character seemed to be having with itching.

"Perfect," she thought to herself. "I think I may have just the cure for Mr. Carter and it would give me an excuse to talk to him."

She rummaged through her medicine cabinet and found some Gyne-something or other that had helped her when she had a similar problem a few months back.

Battered Shoe

Mar-18-2009 18:32

Nic headed to Adam Carter's office and when she reached the door a maniacal-looking woman jumped out from behind the dark alley and disappeared into the shadows. "What the...." she said aloud, "That was weird."

Nic noticed the door was unlocked and decided to let herself in. She wasn't sure everything was OK upstairs. She heard some really strange noises coming from a window above, and thought this was all the just cause she needed to let herself in and have a peak around.

Battered Shoe

Mar-18-2009 18:38

She located the source of the weird sounds and realized that it was coming from the office of the one and only Adam Carter. She slowly opened the door and stuck her head in.

Nic did a double-take in surprise upon seeing a shabby-looking man seated at his desk with his feet up wearing nothing but a pair of boxers with holes in the most unseemly places. It almost appeared as if they had been destroyed in some sort of accident. This man also had the radio turned up to the highest volume, and what was being broadcast could be described as nothing other than the rantings of a madman.

So perturbed by this spectacle, Nic started and fell forward through the door to Adam Carter's office. Adam immediately sat up looking utterly mortified. "Can I help you?" he stammered as he rushed to get his trench coat to cover himself.

"Oh I apologize," Nic replied trying to avert her eyes, "I was looking for an Adam Carter... and old Sleuth I had heard a lot about... and I heard some strange noises...and I'm sorry. I should have knocked.

Battered Shoe

Mar-18-2009 18:50

After Adam struggled into his coat, he sat down again and said, "Please come in..."

Nic moved toward the empty chair at Adam's desk and took a seat. "Hello Adam, my name is Nic Nic. I know.... don't ask... my parents were a bit weird. I have wanted to meet you for a while and I heard you had a problem with a rash or something and well I wanted to offer some help. Oh and by the way, do you know there is a crazy woman hanging around downstairs outside your office?"

"Don't pay attention to her," Adam replied, "That's just my landlady."

"Well anyway here is some ointment for your problem," Nic said as she handed him the container of cream, "And I would like to get to know you. What IS that coming from your radio. It's aweful!"

"That's Crazytown Dave," Adam responded, "I've solved a few cases on his behalf in the past. I was just listening for some evidence that might clue me in on a strange letter he sent me."

Nic perked up at this. A strange letter? A case perhaps? Things had been pretty dry for her lately and was always looking to steal a little work from her competition. She looked down at the desk and saw the envelope that Adam was most likely referring to and grabbed it before he could stop her.

"What is this? Is this the letter?" she asked coyly. As she picked up the envelope she noticed the scrawling handwriting that no doubt came from the pen of the lunatic who was spewing nonsense on the radio. She pulled the letter out of the envelope and when she did, a small balloon fell out. She picked it up to inspect it and noticed there was some dried blood on it. Adam quickly wrestled it from her grasp. "I didn't see this before," he said.

"Maybe it's a clue. I love puzzles. And I got cheated out of winning a puzzle contest last week, this could be fun." Nic said with excitement.

"Now back off woman," Adam said as he jumped up from his chair, "This case is mine!"

Battered Shoe

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Battered Shoe

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Battered Shoe

Mar-18-2009 19:20

Oops. Please delete triple posts SS. :-)

Pinball Pro

Mar-18-2009 20:37

After several years, Crazytown Dave was finally beginning to forget his past and he even shortened the name he would go to ctown. Nobody knew him here and he was beginning to get lonely. He decided what he needed was some friends. He headed to The Mother of Innocence Cathedral figuring that would be a good place to meet some nice people. People that wouldn't bring out his past demons, people that brought out the worst in him, people that laugh at him. Thats wehn problems began to arise, as he walk past The Tricky Mister, he met two young ladies standing outside. "Hey you look like a nice normal fella, why don't you come inside and buy a couple of girls a drink," one of them said to him. "Oh no, I couldn't do that," he explained, "I'm on my way to the church to get involved in some social clubs."

The two ladies looked at each other and then back at ctown, "Social clubs?" the other questioned him, "Well you are in luck, we are having a social gathering right inside. My name is Helen and this is my friend nic, c'mon inside." Before ctown knew what was going on, he was sitting at the bar, chit-chatting and having a wonderful time. Then the bar started to get busy, people were coming in left and right. Ctown was thinking how lucky he was, he was making some new friends and having a wonderful time. Then the jokes started, this would mark the beginning of his relapse.

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