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Vampiric Smile
Vampiric Smile
Safety Officer

May-16-2008 08:40

During the last month I have the impression that the game is becoming very boring (beyond a point) as there is actually nothing interesting I could do in it. I try to find a target …something to hold my interest and I find it more and more difficult. It is relatively easy to accomplish all interesting goals in the game and beyond that point …there is nothing!
I am five and a half months in the game and I have them all. I know all the secrets of the game and all the tricks except secret#1 (which is still only a background). I have all VH equipment and shoes that I need (even more than I need) and plenty of skill points (for nothing) and millions of sleuth$ (again for nothing!). It is so easy to be a millionaire in the game but still there are no things available to buy with your millions!!!Only exception is a 4 room apartment with all goods in that is normally very easy to buy at your 4 million xp points and then the chaos.
I have to admit that I am wondering what is left to hold my interest? Is it to be a 20 milion club member? Well probably not !... because for that all that is needed is to do only mechanically the same things spending (rather killing) time for nothing actually! Is it to be a top V Hunter?... again probably not for the same reasons… as once you are aware of the way things are done all are too simple!
Only hope left is the introduction of the Sleuthetania. I can only hope that it will be a bit more difficult (and thus interesting)than VHs etc. I can only hope that the cases in the new addition will be a bit more difficult than the usual cases that require only mechanical actions without the involvement of any brain activity


Glorious Jade
Glorious Jade

Jun-15-2008 19:09

I'm with Anikka. Your ideas are great but would in fact, change Sleuth to the point where it's not Sleuth anymore. Also, no one's attacking anyone and yes, I read the entire thread. This is a place to share suggestions and ideas, no?

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