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Duplicate Equipment
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Dec-12-2007 09:20

I now have 2 umbrellas. Can I get rid of or exchange one?



Dec-18-2007 15:05

If I'm understanding your question, what you're asking is if, instead of having two accessories, you can have two hats?

If that is the question, then, no, you cannot have two hats at a time. You can only wear one hat, one pair of shoes, one coat, and two accessories.

However, you can still receive a second hat as a reward - but you will have to sell one. Just remember to compare the two and see if the new one is better than what you have.

As you get to the next level of favours, there will be different hats, accessories, etc. offered - so make sure you compare!


Dec-20-2007 13:27

Thanks Annika, I hoped I could have duplicated items don't matter of type as long as I have an empty hand.

Sir Kenneth Vyvyan
Sir Kenneth Vyvyan

Dec-20-2007 14:41

Im not sure but I believe that if you are holding 2 accessories the same you only get the bonus for having an item once. for example if you have 2 of anan accessory that is 3 tough then 2 of them would only increase your tough ajustment by 3 not 6

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