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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.


Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

Apr-20-2011 10:57

Once upon a time, in a land far away, a beautiful, independent, self assured punk rock girl with flowers in her hair met a frog.
The frog hopped into the punk rock girl's lap and said: "Elegant punk rock girl with flowers in your hair , I was once a handsome punk rock boy with flowers in my hair, until an evil Stage Producer cast a spell upon me. One kiss from you, however, and I will turn back into the dapper, young punk rock boy with flowers in my hair that I am, and then, my sweet, we can marry and set up housekeeping in yon trailer with my mother,father,sister,brother,1st wife,2nd,wife,3 girlfriends and 7 boyfriends where you can prepare our meals, clean our clothes, bear our children and forever feel grateful and happy doing so."

Later that night, as the punk rock girl with flowers in her hair dined sumptuously on a repast of lightly sauteed froglegs seasoned in a white wine and onion cream sauce, she wakes up from her dream just to find herself on a dish seasoned in a white wine and onion cream be continued...

I wish we rembember who we really are and from where we came from and where we are going...

Akira Sensei
Akira Sensei

Apr-20-2011 12:54

Oh, we remembered! Then, in an instant of excitement, Cyril smacked us in the head and we forgot. Who are we, where do we come from, and where the heck do we think we're going?

I want a perfect chair with all of the bells and whistles, as in, butler when I think of him, hairdresser, manicurist, pedicurisst, food when I want it, warm when I'm cold, cool when I'm hot and all of the latest gadgets for entertainment.

Cyril Banks
Cyril Banks

Apr-21-2011 00:51

Magically, your wish is granted and you get all those things that you wanted. As in all these posts, everything goes awry. you realize that you can have anything you want and you go about happily realizing all your greatest desires at the snap of your fingers. Eventually you realize that the greatest part of life is striving to overcome adversity and fighting to get what you want/need. you wish for some challenge for you to take on but that is the only thing you can't have. You are forever damned to always get what you want forever...(that doesn't sound too bad!) but it turns out that it sucks (somehow).

Cyril Banks
Cyril Banks

Apr-21-2011 00:53

I wish that I could get the perfect job!

Ordo Ab Chao
Ordo Ab Chao

Apr-21-2011 10:31 meet the perfect '"Job "at a pillow fighting party,you experience love at first sight....
You could not resist his big eyes,straight nose,charming as smiling,shape of body looking very strong,good posture,low tone of voice,high heels stilletos and has the perfect job as a Flower Shop Accountant...Good luck...

I wish I was in Hawaii with Peter...

Cyril Banks
Cyril Banks

Apr-22-2011 00:47

You're in Hawaii. You're enjoying all the best that Polynesia has to offer. All this is wonderful until a nearby shield volcano erupts. You are painfully incinerated by slow moving lava.

I wish for a cool sleuth noir update.


Apr-24-2011 06:51

Your wish is granted, and a new cool sleuth noir update appears.
It's the coolest sleuth noir update ever since, and everyone is enjoying it immensely. All the old sleuth noir users return, and start being active again, as well as a ton of newbies who just discovered the coolness of sleuth noir.
Unfortunately, as the number of active users explode, so does the sleuth noir server as well. After a couple of weeks where Ben have been working very hard to get the server up again, it comes up, but the number of users makes for the need of hard restrictions as to when you are allowed to play. Each user gets a timeslot of one hour during the day when they are allowed to play. You get the time slot from 4am to 5am local time, and since the update is so cool, you stay up all night to play that time slot. Unfortunately, you are not functioning the remaining of the day, so all the life outside of sleuth crashes down. Work, House, Wife and so on...
In the end, you don't have any money left, to subscribe to Sleuth Noir, so that you can play the new cool game.

I wish for Sleuth Admin to delegate all the work he is not able to do, to someone who have the trust, authorisation and ability to do the work, like customer support.

Akira Sensei
Akira Sensei

Apr-26-2011 19:57

The Sleuth Admin recruited Peter for the job who slipped off with Ordo to Hawaii never to return again. (Rumor has it that they, then, rented a yacht and are enjoyong Mai Tais, Oysters, Losbers, Crabs somewhere in the South Pacific).

I wish Peter and Ordo would come back. Oops, that's "Who's Next"!

Cyril Banks
Cyril Banks

Apr-27-2011 01:03

You're wish is granted, they return to their previous location but they've changed irreversibly. They are now cruel misanthropes and they have a personal vendetta against you Akira! They set out to do everything in their power to destroy your credibility (on sleuth). They do so effectively by telling horrible lies about your table manners and personal hygiene. You're (sleuth) life is ruined and you are devastated (sort of). You decide the only appropriate course of action is to cry a river of tears and go become a hermit in a mountaintop cave (make a different detective on sleuth). All in all, it is a moderately unpleasant experience.

I wish for a delicious sandwich!

Brasco De Gama
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe

Apr-28-2011 04:02

Kazing! A delicious sandwich appears... in an unbreakable safe, held in by an intractable force.

I wish my next wish was a wish

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